岩手県立大学 ソフトウェア情報学部 藤田研究室 ]


Intelligent Software Systems (Fujita Laboratory)


Intelligent Software System & Cognitive Thinking System, Fujita Laboratory  

私たちの研究室はインテリジェントソフトウェアシステム学講座です.研究のキーワードは,ソフトウェア工学,Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Decision Support System, Neural NetworkNatural Language Processing Ontology,マルチエージェント,強化学習,Data miningWeb mining,遺伝的アルゴリズム,Cognitive Computing などです。

 LATEST NEWS (all Contents are Copyright Reserved ©)



2020 NEWS









·         Prof. Hamido Fujita Steering Committee Chair of (PIC2018The 2018 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC-2018), in Suzhou, China http://www.picconf.com/  program http://www.picconf.com/CoferProg.htm  December 14~16, 2018.

·         Prof. Hamido Fujita delivered invited talks in Shanghai Maritime University December 17, 2018(上海海事大学)特別講演Data Analytics in Machine learning: New directions and Challenges in Knowledge-Based Systems
http://sem.shmtu.edu.cn/page2.asp?classid1=66&classid2=120&id=4610. Also invited talks at Shanghai University, and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. December 18, 2018

·         福建林大学Fujian Agriculture and Forestry Universitysymposium CCF YOCSEF福州分论坛:信息安全与林大数据研 (December 20, 2018) https://www.ccf.org.cn/c/2018-12-19/658785.shtml  or in

http://fansmale.com/cgckd2018/report.html Prof. Fujita and also in others: http://sxy.sicnu.edu.cn/p/52/?stid=st_app_news_i_x636712211843498975

·          Prof. Hamido Fujita is Keynote speaker at The  10th  Mexican  Conference  on  Pattern  Recognition  (MCPR2018), Puebla, Mexico from June 27 to June 30, 2018, https://ccc.inaoep.mx/~mcpr2018/speakers.html   some photos from the conference

·         Professor Dr. Hamido Fujita is visiting Professor at the Granada University, Granada Spain from May 21- 25, 2018, Invited by the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, E.T.S. de Ingenierias Informatica y de Telecomunicaci, University of Granada, Granada SPAIN



2017  NEWS)


·         Professor Dr. Hamido Fujita is visiting Professor at the Granada University, Granada Spain from May 26-June 1st, 2017, Invited by the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, E.T.S. de Ingenierias Informatica y de Telecomunicaci, University of Granada, Granada SPAIN




2016 NEWS)


2015 NEWS)


·         Professor Dr. Hamido Fujita is visiting Professor at the Granada University, Granada Spain from March 23-30, 2015, Invited by the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, E.T.S. de Ingenierias Informatica y de Telecomunicaci, University of Granada, Granada SPAIN



2014        NEWS)


·         Professor Dr. Hamido Fujita is Keynote Speaker at the 2014 The First International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (SCDM-2014) (SCDM-2014) Jun 16~18, 2014, Johor, Malaysia (http://fsktm2.uthm.edu.my/scdm2014/ )

·         Professor Hamido Fujita received (May 21, 2014)  Honorary appointment Professorship and special lecture from University of Xi’an of Post & Telecommunications  西安(Xian中国)、西安郵電大学から名誉教授を受け及び特別講演(May 21)   http://www.xiyou.edu.cn/info/news/new/info/17211.htm

·         Professor Hamido Fujita is Keynote Speaker at the 2014 International Conference on progress in informatics and computing conference, PICT-2014, http://www.meeting.edu.cn/meeting/webmedia/jingpin/pic2014/caifeng.htm  May 16~18, 2014, Shanghai, China http://pic.sjtu.edu.cn/index.htm,

·         Professor Hamido Fujita gave a Special lecture at Shannxi Normal University (May 22, 2014), China, http://english.snnu.edu.cn/xshd.php?id=182  西范大学(西安)特別講演http://www.snnu.edu.cn/xshd.php?id=318

·         Professor Hamido Fujita gave a special lecture (May 13, 2014) Southwest Jiaotong University西都(中国)西南交通大学)特別講演(5月13日)




·         Professor Hamido Fujita is a co-program Chair of ACIIDS 2014 (6th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems), which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, April 7 - 9, 2014. http://www.ic.kmitl.ac.th/aciids2014/index.html

·         Professor Hamido Fujita is Joint Faculty Member   of National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), and Distinguished Visiting professor of NTOU, Taiwan from March 3 to March 22, 2014.  Lecture on March 13, 20104  =>Also another photo

·         Prof. Keith Hipel was a guest of Iwate University with Prof. Minami 's research group and IPU with Prof. Fujita's research group; from February 16~20 2014.  Prof. Keith Hipel is Eminent Scientist of JSPS (http://www.jsps.go.jp ), he gave lectures and guidance on “Strategic_Opportunities_Systems_Engineering“ on 19th February from 13:00~14:30 at the lecture hall of IPU. http://www.fujita.soft.iwate-pu.ac.jp/lecture_Keith_Hipel.pdf

·         Professor Hamido Fujita is a member in Jury defense examination committee of “Ph.D examination” at Supelec http://www.supelec.fr held in Paris (France) on January 27~30, 2014. 




2013  (NEWS)



·         Professor Dr. Hamido Fujita is Invited Speaker at the 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2013) Nov. 20-23, 2013, Shenzhen, China ( http://kjb.szu.edu.cn/iske/index.asp )

·         Professor Dr. Hamido Fujita is visiting Professor at the Granada University, Granada Spain from October 27 to November 8, 2013, and Invited by the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, E.T.S. de Ingenierias Informatica y de Telecomunicaci, University of Granada, Granada SPAIN

The Ceremony is posted at http://news.uni-obuda.hu/articles/2013/07/03/tiszteletbeli-doktoravatas-az-obudai-egyetemen 

The list of Doctor Honoris Causa given by Óbuda University;  http://www.uni-obuda.hu/egyetem/tiszteletbeli-doktorok   (Prof. Fujita is on 2013)

Final Program http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/icsse2013/ICSSE2013_finalprogram.pdf

On this period he also gave special lectures at

-Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, http://www.ntou.edu.tw/,

-Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering of National Chi Nan University, www.ncnu.edu.tw,

-Chung Hua University, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering www.chu.edu.tw

Below conferences are to be held:

·12th International Conference on SYSTEM SCIENCE and SIMULATION in ENGINEERING (ICOSSSE '13)

·13th International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACS '13)

·12th International Conference on EDUCATION and EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (EDU '13)

·1st International Conference on COMPLEX SYSTEMS and CHAOS (COSC '13)

The following conferences are also co-organized by WSEAS and NAUN in the same place, April 23-25, 2013:

·2nd International Conference on Computing, Information Systems and Communications (CISCO '13)

·2nd International Conference on Systems, Control, Power, Robotics (SCOPORO '13)

·2nd International Conference on Digital Services, Internet and Applications (DSIA '13)

·2nd International Conference on Automatic Control, Soft Computing and Human-Machine Interaction (ASME '13)

·2nd International Conference on Networks and Systems for Communications, Education and Data Processing (NSCED '13)

·2nd International Conference on Integrated Systems and Management for Energy, Development, Environment and Health(ISMAEDEH '13)

·2nd International Conference on Applied, Numerical and Computational Mathematics (ICANCM '11)




2012  (NEWS) 


·       Prof. Hamido Fujita is Plenary Speaker in SISY 2012. IEEE 10th. JUBILEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON. INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS and INFORMATICS. September 20-22, 2012 CFP

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6330717   Plenary Speaker news: http://news.uni-obuda.hu/articles/2012/09/24/jubileumi-sisy-2012-szabadkan

·       On October 8 to October 11 we have a visiting professor from Stockholm University, Head of Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University: Prof. Love Ekenberg.  He is presenting a seminar on Human Centric Requirements on Decision Support Systems in our Lab on October 9th 2012

The Journal of Knowledge Based Systems that Prof. Hamido Fujita (Editor in Chief) has a good Impact Fctor achievement reach 2.422

Special Session 1: Aspects on Cognitive Computing and Intelligent Interaction   Look at (Session 12)

Special Session 4: Decision Making Techniques and Innovative Knowledge Management   Look at (Session 17)

The below papers presented in the above session:








2011 (NEWS)



 University ). , Budapest, Hungary.  The coronation ceremony held at Palace des Arts of Budapest city, Hungary.   He has coroneted with other four professors. 
