岩手県立大学 ソフトウェア情報学部 [ 藤田研究室 ]
Software Systems (Fujita Laboratory)
Intelligent Software System
& Cognitive Thinking System, Fujita Laboratory
私たちの研究室はインテリジェントソフトウェアシステム学講座です.研究のキーワードは,ソフトウェア工学,Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Decision Support System, Neural
Network,Natural Language Processing, Ontology,マルチエージェント,強化学習,Data mining,Web mining,遺伝的アルゴリズム,Cognitive Computing などです。
NEWS (all Contents are Copyright Reserved ©)
- Prof. Fujita is the General Chair of The 34th
in Kalua Lumper, Malaysia, July 2021. https://ieaaie2021.wordpress.com/
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is the General Chair of the SOMET2021 in
Cancun Mexico in September 2021, https://atenea.esimecu.ipn.mx/
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is the General Chair of The 33rd IEA-AIE,
The 33th International
Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied
Intelligent Systems, https://jsasaki3.wixsite.com/ieaaie2020
KitaKyushu, Japan, on 21~24, July 2020. The
conference book is published by Springer: https://www.springer.com/cn/book/9783030557881
- Prof Fujita deliver Distinguished
lecture online on Machine
Learning advanced Technology for health care, or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TIxd5UW_JM
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is the General co-Chair of The 19th
SOMET_2020, 19th International Conference on Intelligent Software
Methodologies Tools and Techniques, https://jsasaki3.wixsite.com/somet2020
KitaKyushu, Japan, on 22~24, September 2020, the
conference book is published by IOS, http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-1-64368-115-3
- Prof. Hamido Fujita received Highly Cited
Researcher recognition, in Computer Science issued from Clarivate
Analytics on November 19, 2020. https://twitter.com/Iwate_puPR/status/1329699310439546882 https://recognition.webofscience.com/awards/highly-cited/2020/
- Highly Cited Researcher news is also in Spanish
Newspaper in Granada Spain. https://www.ideal.es/miugr/ocho-investigadores-universidad-20201120151307-nt.html
on November 20, 2020.
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is recognized as highly cited
researcher (HCR) for 2019, https://publons.com/awards/highly-cited/2019/
- Prof. Fujita is Invited
speaker at The 5th International Conference on Intelligent
Computing, Communication & Devices (ICCD-2019) November 22-24, 2019 Xi'an,China, http://www.iccdconference.com/2019/menu/home
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is the General Chair of The 33rd IEA-AIE,
The 33th International
Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied
Intelligent Systems, https://jsasaki3.wixsite.com/ieaaie2020
to be held in KitaKyushu, Japan, on 21~24, July
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is the General co-Chair of The 19th
SOMET_2020, 19th International Conference on Intelligent Software
Methodologies Tools and Techniques, https://jsasaki3.wixsite.com/somet2020
to be held in KitaKyushu, Japan, on 22~24,
September 2020.
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is Plenary Speaker at IEEE Joint
19th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics
and 7th International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics,
Automation, Computer Sciences and Robotics, Szeged, Hungry, November
14~16, 2019 http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/cinti2019/
- Prof. Fujita is keynote speaker at 2019
International Conference on Hospital Development and Reform: China
Hospital Reform Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong
University Medical School, 上海交通大学医学院October
19~20, 20第七届中国医院发展与管理国际会议,上海交大医学院首届国际医疗人工智能学术论坛http://www.shutcm.edu.cn/2019/1012/c229a116066/page.htm
- Prof. Fujita is keynote
speaker at 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security for
Emerging Technologies (CSET'19), 27~30 October 2019, Doha, Qatar. http://www.qu.edu.qa/conference/CSET-2019/Program
- Prof. Fujita is invited as Talented
Expert for Shanghai University of Engineering Science, 上海工程技术大学From October 3 to October 25,
2019 http://www.at0086.com/SUES/
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is the General co-Chair of The 18th
SOMET_2019, 18th International Conference on Intelligent Software
Methodologies Tools and Techniques, https://ieeecomputer.my/somet2019/
to be held in Sarawak, Malaysia, on 26~28, September 2019.
- Prof. Fujita is attending the IEA-AIE2019 in Graz
Austria, July 9 to July 12, https://ieaaie2019.ist.tugraz.at/
- Prof. Hamido Fujita has been invited as Keynote Speaker
at the 10th International Conference of Business Intelligence
and Financial Engineering, (BIFE 2019) https://ems.xidian.edu.cn/info/1152/3395.htm,
He also invited to deliver talks at Shaanxi Normal University http://www.snnu.edu.cn/info/1086/25844.htm
- Prof. Fujita has been invited professor at Nankai University, Sept. 3 to Sept. 7, 2019,
Also invited by Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,(
天津财经大学) http://accounting.tjufe.edu.cn/info/1119/1585.htm
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is invited to Shandong University
of Finance and Economics, June 19 to June 22. http://gkgc.sdufe.edu.cn/info/1047/4197.htm
- Prof. Hamido Fujita was invited to Nantong University on
June 12 to June 15. He received a visiting Professor position award, http://news.ntu.edu.cn/2019/0613/c9a44745/page.htm http://www.nmgtx.com/xsjl/19154.html
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is invited for join research as
Henan University, Kaifeng, http://yrcsd.henu.edu.cn/info/1058/3942.htm, http://dat.henu.edu.cn/info/1012/1197.htm May 15 to May 19 2019, http://yrcsd.henu.edu.cn/info/1059/3843.htm
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is Keynote speaker for
11th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and
Database Systems https://aciids.pwr.edu.pl/2019/keynotes.php
8-11 April
2019, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
- Prof. Fujita is
Research Professor at Research
Professor, Andalucía Research
Institute DaSCI "Data Science and
Computational Intelligence” at University of Granada, Spain,
September 2019 to Sept. 2020
- Prof. Fujita is Research Professor at Department for Management of Science and
Technology Development), Ton Duc Thang
University: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, May 2019 to May 2020.
- Prof. Fujita is Research Professor at (Faculty of Information Technology) Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology: Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, January 2019 to January 2020.
- Prof. Hamido Fujita is invited
speaker at 7th IAPR
International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics - IWBF2019, in Cancun,
Mexico, on May 2-3, 2019. https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/dcs/people/victor_sanchez/iwbf2019/
Hamido Fujita Steering Committee Chair of (PIC2018)The
2018 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing
(PIC-2018), in Suzhou, China http://www.picconf.com/ program http://www.picconf.com/CoferProg.htm December 14~16, 2018.
Hamido Fujita
delivered invited talks in Shanghai
Maritime University December 17, 2018(上海海事大学)特別講演 “Data
Analytics in Machine learning: New directions and Challenges in Knowledge-Based
Also invited talks at Shanghai
University, and Shanghai
University of Finance and Economics. December 18, 2018
Agriculture and Forestry University)symposium CCF
YOCSEF福州分论坛:信息安全与农林大数据研讨会 (December 20, 2018) https://www.ccf.org.cn/c/2018-12-19/658785.shtml or in
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita is Keynote
speaker for The ICERA 2018 International Conference on Engineering Research and
Applications http://icera2018.tnut.edu.vn/keynote-speakers/
1-3, 2018 in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-04792-4
- Prof. Fujita is
IEEE-SMC 2018 Tutorial-Chair
SMC 2018, http://www.smc2018.org/ The 2018 IEEE International Conference
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 7-10, 2018, Miyazaki, Japan.
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita is the General co-Chair of
The 17th SOMET_2018, 17th
International Conference on Intelligent Software
Methodologies Tools and Techniques, to be held in Granada,
Spain, on 26~28, September 2018 http://secaba.ugr.es/SOMET2018/ newspaper published in IDEAL (local in
Granada) https://www.ideal.es/miugr/mayores-expertos-mundo-20180927142620-nt.html
- Special interview
with IDEAL newspaper in Granada, Spain https://www.ideal.es/culturas/maquinas-sustituir-personas-20180929221840-ntvo.html
(September 29, 2018)
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita is Keynote
speaker at International Joint Conference on Rough Sets (IJCRS2018) http://conference.hocict.edu.vn/,
August (20~24) in Quy Nhon,
Vietnam, supported by International Rough Set Society
- Prof. Fujita is a
keynote speaker at
CGCKD 2018 China,
August , 2018 http://fansmale.com/cgckd2018/pager-contributions.html
Prof. Fujita and also in others: http://sxy.sicnu.edu.cn/p/52/?stid=st_app_news_i_x636712211843498975
Prof. Hamido Fujita is Keynote speaker
at The 10th Mexican
Conference on Pattern Recognition (MCPR2018),
Puebla, Mexico from June 27 to June 30, 2018, https://ccc.inaoep.mx/~mcpr2018/speakers.html some photos
from the conference
Dr. Hamido Fujita is visiting Professor at the Granada University, Granada
Spain from May 21- 25, 2018, Invited by the Department of Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence,
E.T.S. de Ingenierias Informatica
y de Telecomunicaci, University of Granada, Granada
- Prof. Fujita is
Plenary Speaker at IEEE 12th International
Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics,
(SACI2018) http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/saci2018/index.html May 17~19, 2018, Timisoara, Romania
- Professor
Fujita receive Doctorate
Honorary Causa on May 17 2018 from Timisoara Polytechnic University,
Romania http://www.teleu.ro/Doua-titluri-de-Doctor-Honoris-Causa,-la-UPT_TeleU_1567.html
- Prof. Fujita is
invited Professor on May 7~10 to Shanghai
University to giving
a talk, Shanghai, then invited by Tianjin University (Tianjin) for Big Data Workshop,
as speaker from May 10~13. Also, in
Chengdu May 13, invited by South-West
Jiantong University,
- Prof. Fujita has
been invited given a talk to Harbin
Institute of Technology (HIT), (Harbin Campus) March 14 to March 17,
2018 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2018/03-20/1430158030RL0.htm
, Give a talk as Harbin
Institute of Technology, (Harbin Campus), March 17 to March 21,
- Prof. Fujita
invited by Sichuan University (Chengdu) March 21 to March 27. And also South West Jiantong
University to give
- Prof. Fujita has
participated in Big
Data Forum as speaker, on March 30~April 1st 2018,
organized by Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Chongqing China. http://english.cqupt.edu.cn/info/1071/3024.htm http://cs.cqupt.edu.cn/info/1034/6039.htm
2017 NEWS)
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita is Keynote speaker for Korean Software Congress
2017: December 20, 2017. http://www.kiise.or.kr/conference/KSC/2017/ click on program
- He served as Steering Committee Chair
of 2017 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and
Computing, http://pic2017.njust.edu.cn/
- Professor Fujita is Keynote speaker at 16th Mexican International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, http://www.micai.org/2017/ October 23 to 28, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.
- Professor Fujita
is invited speaker
at Central South University Sept. 2017 http://bs.csu.edu.cn/info/1046/1507.htm and Changsha University of Science and
Technology (Invited lecture) http://www.csust.edu.cn/stxy/info/1056/3591.htm
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita is the General Chair of The
16th SOMET_2017, 16th International Conference on Intelligent Software
Methodologies Tools and Techniques, to be held in KitaKyushu, Japan, on 26~28, September 2017 http://somet2017.iwate-pu.net/
- Professor Fujita is keynote
Speaker at the IEEE 15thInternational Symposium on Intelligent Systems
and Informatics (SISY 2017) to
be held on September
14-16, 2017 in Subotica,
Serbia http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/sisy2017/
- Professor Fujita is distinguished speaker at mini Symposium 2017,
“Recent Advanced in Intelligent Engineering, held on September 5, Obuda University, Budapest Hungry http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/minisymp2017/final.html
- Professor Fujita is keynote
Speaker at The 13th
International Conference on Intelligent Environments - IE'17, http://www.intenv.org/?q=conferences/ie17/ 23~25, August 2017, Seoul, Korea
- Professor Fujita is keynote Speaker at 2017
International Conference on Green Informatics (ICGI) - ICGI
2017, http://fzuconf.com/GI/index.htm 15~17, August 2017, FuZhou, China
- Professor Fujita is
Invited Professor by the Innovation Research Center of Obuda
University, Budapest Hungry From April 1st to March 2018
- Professor Fujita
is Invited Professor by the Ruhr Institute for Software
Technology(PALUNO), University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) https://paluno.uni-due.de/en/the-institute/purpose/ From July 1st to August 30th, 2017
- Professor Hamido Fujita is Distinguished Invited Professor and
consultant at Electronic & Computer
Engineering Division of Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore
October 30 to November 3rd, 2017.
- The Journal
Citation Reports 2016, published by Thomson Reuters is released on June
2017, The
Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, at which Prof. Hamido Fujita is
Editor-in-Chief has impact
factor of 4.529 for 2016.
Dr. Hamido Fujita is visiting Professor at the Granada University, Granada
Spain from May 26-June 1st, 2017, Invited by the Department of Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence,
E.T.S. de Ingenierias Informatica
y de Telecomunicaci, University of Granada, Granada
- Professor Fujita was a
Keynote speaker at the 2nd
International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security,
IoTBDS(2017) http://iotbds.org/?y=2017 and 7th International Conference on Cloud
Computing “CLOSER2017” http://closer.scitevents.org/?y=2017 in Porto, Portugal April 24 to 26, 2017.
For interview go to: https://vimeo.com/232367150
(open in a
new window)
- Professor H. Fujita was Distinguished Invited Professor at Macau University of Science and
Technology Macau, March 21 to March 25th, 2017. Also invited Professor by the Intelligent Knowledge Engineering lab
(IKE lab)
http://www.ikelab.net/ of Harbin Institute of
Technology, Shenzhen March 25 to March 28, 2017 given a talk.
- Professor Hamido Fujita was invited as scientific consultant for Qatar
University, (Doha) April 1st 2017 to April 6th 2017.
- Professor Fujita
invited by Kurdistan Technical Institute,
as chairman and Keynote Speaker for First International Maya Annual Exhibition,
April 30~May 1st, 2017. Click_Here
for news.
2016 NEWS)
- Professor Fujita is keynote
Speaker at the International
Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology,
ICTA 2016 http://icta2016.com/ 12~13, December 2016, Thai
Nguyen, Viet Nam
- Professor Fujita is keynote
Speaker at the 4th Saudi
International Conference, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia http://events.kacst.edu.sa/en/IT16/Pages/program.aspx held in 6~9 November 2016. On 8th November to give an
invited talk at King Saud University.
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita is the General Chair of The 15th SOMET_2016, 15th International Conference on Intelligent Software
Methodologies Tools and Techniques, held in Cyprus, http://www.cyprusconferences.org/somet2016/ The conference book: click
- He served as
Plenary speaker at 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational
Intelligence and Informatics
November 17-19, 2016, Budapest (Hungry) CINTI2016 http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/cinti2016/
- Professor
Fujita awarded the top talent pulpit project approved and supported by Tonji University, Shanghai China from
September 16 to October 7 (for 20 days). He gave a talk at Tonji University, http://see.tongji.edu.cn/65/e7/c183a26087/page.htm,
- He served as
Steering Committee Chair of 2016 International Conference on Progress in
Informatics and Computing, http://pic.shufe.edu.cn/OrgCom.htm
- Professor
Fujita served as invited
talk at Shannxi Normal University in X’ian http://www.fujita.soft.iwate-pu.ac.jp/Shaannxi1.pdf or http://www.fujita.soft.iwate-pu.ac.jp/Sahannxi.pdf.
- He served as
Distinguished Invited Professor at Xiamen University http://information.xmu.edu.cn/portal/node/7677?lang=en July, 2016. Providing advanced course
for Graduate students: Intelligent System lectures.
- He served as
invited lecture at Xi’an Jiaotong University,
Xian (China on September 23, 2016), http://meeting.xjtu.edu.cn/lecturer/3866.htm
- He gave invited lecture
at Shanghai University, September 25, 2016 http://www.shu.edu.cn/Default.aspx?tabid=10473&ctl=Detail&mid=19739&Id=90817
- He served as
Invited Speaker at Department of Computer Science and Technology, of East
China Normal University, Shanghai China, on September 2016 http://www.cs.ecnu.edu.cn/s/69/t/247/3f/64/info147300.htm
- He served as
Invited Professor at Nankai University, Tianjin
China http://nankai.en.school.cucas.cn/en/event/detail?cid=56&pid=56&detail=227 on December 2016
- Professor Fujita
has organized a workshop at IEEE SMC conference 2016 in Budapest: http://smc2016.org/content/workshops Big
Data based Technological Innovations on Intelligent Health Service in the
Clouds (October 9, 2016) http://smc2016.org/sites/default/files/program/20161006___SMC2016_digest_final_v21.pdf <=(page:55)
Hamido Fujita, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Ali Selamat, Amedeo Cesta, Francisco Chiclana Call for paper
- Professor Hamido Fujita is Distinguished Invited Professor at Xiamen
University http://information.xmu.edu.cn/portal/node/7677?lang=en
July, 2016.
- Professor Fujita is keynote Speaker at the INTERNATIONAL
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY METHOD AND MODEL 2016 (ICMMM2016) http://www.utm.my/icmmm2016/speakers/
25~27, August
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita is the General Chair of The 29th International
Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other applications of Applied
Artificial Intelligence IEA/AIE
2016 held in Morioka, Japan on August
2~4, 2016; http://ieaaie2016.iwate-pu.net The book is: http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319420066
- Professor Fujita is keynote Speaker
at the third (3rd) edition in the series of the International
Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies CoDIT’16 http://www.codit2016.com/index.php/ April 6-8, 2016 at Saint Julian's, Malta
- Professor Hamido Fujita is Distinguished Invited Professor and
consultant at Electronic & Computer
Engineering Division of Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore March
21 to March 25, 2016, and again on November 2016, and again on November
2015 NEWS)
- Professor Fujita is Keynote Speaker at DeSE
international Conference: Developments in eSystems Engineering 13th-15th December 2015 http://dese.org.uk/dese-2015/
- Professor Fujita is steering Committee Chair of The
2015 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing
(PIC-2015) to be held on December 18-20, 2015 in Nanjing, China http://pic2015.njust.edu.cn/OrgCom.htm
- Professor Hamido Fujita is keynote Speaker at 16th IEEE
International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics
November 19-21, 2015, CINTI2015, Budapest http://www.uni-obuda.hu/users/szakala/CINTI2015program.pdf
- Professor Hamido Fujita
is keynote Speaker at ISME2015: 11th International
Symposium on Management Engineering KitaKyushu, Japan, September 2~4 2015.
The 14th SOMET_2015, 14th International Conference on Intelligent Software
Methodologies Tools and Techniques http://www.impianti.unina.it/somet2015/
to be held in Naples, September,
15~17, 2015 to give a key
The ICSSE 2015 in Morioka “International Conference
on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE 2015)” to be held on July 6-8, 2015 in Morioka, Japan, it is organized by Iwate Prefectural
University (Fujita’s lab and Sasaki’s Lab)
- We have special
session accepted for 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative
Management (ITQM 2015) http://www.itqm-meeting.org/2015/ to be held in Brazil (Reio), July
21~24 2015. Our Special session is: Special Session
02: Intelligent Decision Making and Consensus
- Professor Hamido Fujita
is Plenary Speaker at SACI2015: 10th Jubilee
IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics
May 21~23 2015.
- Professor Hamido Fujita is advisory board member in Antal
Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics
- Professor Hamido Fujita invited as a panelist in INTERNATIONAL
XXI. CENTURY: NEW FRONTIERS http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/SpaceRobotics2015/ February 16~18 2015.
- Professor Hamido Fujita is Distinguished Invited Professor and
consultant at Electronic
& Computer Engineering Division of
Ngee Ann
Polytechnic, Singapore March 2nd to March 6th, 2015
- Professor H. Fujita is Distinguished Invited Professor at Macau University of Science and
Technology Macau, March 8th to March 11th, 2015, and University of
Macau on March 11-12, 2015.
- Professor H. Fujita is Invited Professor at Software Engineering-King Mongkut's Institute of
Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand, on March
12th to March 16th, 2015.
- Professor H. Fujita is Distinguished Invited Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia from March 16th to March
23th, 2015.
Dr. Hamido Fujita is visiting Professor at the Granada University, Granada
Spain from March 23-30, 2015, Invited by the Department of Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence,
E.T.S. de Ingenierias Informatica
y de Telecomunicaci, University of Granada, Granada
- Professor
H. Fujita
is Honorary Chair of 5th Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications http://coginfocom.hu/conference/CogInfoCom14/committees.html,
5~7 November 2014.
- Professor E. Herrera-Viedma (Invited talk on: Recommender
Systems and Applications) and
Professor Francisco Chiclana
[invited talk on: Consistency of Preferences in Decision Making] these two
prestigious talks were delivered at Intelligent Software Systems
Laboratory (Prof.’s Fujita’s lab) Iwate Prefectural University, Iwate,
Japan on October 31~November 1st,
- Professor Hamido
Fujita is a Keynote Speaker at the 2014 The Sixth International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering to be
held in October 9~11, 2014 in
Hanoi, Vietnam http://www.fit.uet.vnu.edu.vn/kse2014/invited-speakers/
- Professor Fujita and
Professor E. Herrera-Viedma gave a tutorial
at SMC conference in San Diego on 5th October 2014
- Professor
H. Fujita
is Keynote Speaker at the 9th International Conference on Rough Sets and
Knowledge Technology (RSKT 2014) to be held in Shanghai, China,
October 24-26, 2014. http://see.tongji.edu.cn/rskt2014/ (click on key notes)
- The 13th SOMET_2014, 13th International Conference on Intelligent Software
Methodologies Tools and Techniques http://seminar.spaceutm.edu.my/somet2014/
is announced to be held in Malaysia, September.
22~24, 2014
Dr. Hamido Fujita is Keynote Speaker at the 2014 The First International
Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (SCDM-2014) (SCDM-2014) Jun 16~18, 2014, Johor, Malaysia (http://fsktm2.uthm.edu.my/scdm2014/ )
Professor Hamido Fujita received (May
21, 2014) Honorary appointment
Professorship and special lecture
from University of Xi’an of Post & Telecommunications 西安(Xi’an)(中国)、西安郵電大学から名誉教授を受け及び特別講演(May 21) http://www.xiyou.edu.cn/info/news/new/info/17211.htm
Professor Hamido Fujita is Keynote Speaker at the 2014 International Conference on progress in informatics and
computing conference, PICT-2014, http://www.meeting.edu.cn/meeting/webmedia/jingpin/pic2014/caifeng.htm May 16~18, 2014, Shanghai, China http://pic.sjtu.edu.cn/index.htm,
Professor Hamido Fujita gave a Special lecture at Shannxi Normal University (May
22, 2014), China, http://english.snnu.edu.cn/xshd.php?id=182 陕西师范大学(西安)特別講演(http://www.snnu.edu.cn/xshd.php?id=318)
Professor Hamido Fujita gave a special lecture (May 13, 2014) Southwest Jiaotong University西都(中国)(西南交通大学)特別講演(5月13日)
Professor Hamido Fujita is a co-program
Chair of ACIIDS 2014 (6th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems),
which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, April
7 - 9, 2014. http://www.ic.kmitl.ac.th/aciids2014/index.html
Professor Hamido Fujita is Joint Faculty Member of National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU),
and Distinguished Visiting
professor of NTOU, Taiwan from March
3 to March 22, 2014. Lecture on March 13, 20104 =>Also another photo
Prof. Keith Hipel was a guest of Iwate University with Prof.
Minami 's research group and IPU with Prof. Fujita's
research group; from February 16~20 2014. Prof. Keith Hipel
is Eminent Scientist of JSPS (http://www.jsps.go.jp ), he gave
lectures and guidance on “Strategic_Opportunities_Systems_Engineering“ on 19th February from 13:00~14:30 at the lecture hall of IPU. http://www.fujita.soft.iwate-pu.ac.jp/lecture_Keith_Hipel.pdf
Professor Hamido Fujita is a member in Jury defense examination
committee of “Ph.D examination” at Supelec http://www.supelec.fr
held in Paris (France) on January 27~30,
2013 (NEWS)
Dr. Hamido Fujita is Invited Speaker at the 2013 International Conference on
Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2013) Nov. 20-23,
2013, Shenzhen, China ( http://kjb.szu.edu.cn/iske/index.asp
Dr. Hamido Fujita is visiting Professor at the Granada University, Granada
Spain from October 27 to November 8, 2013, and Invited by the Department of Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence,
E.T.S. de Ingenierias Informatica
y de Telecomunicaci, University of Granada, Granada
- Professor Dr. Hamido Fujita is Invited Speaker at the 2013
International Conference on Medical Informatics & Technologies,
(MIT 2013) http://mit.us.edu.pl/cms/ October 23~26 Poland.
- The 12th IEEE Conference of SOMET
is held in Budapest on September, 22~24, 2013. http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/somet2013/
- Professor
Hamido Fujita is invited Professor by the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences of Stockholm
University, Sweden, September 15 to September 21, 2013.
- Professor Dr.
Hamido Fujita is keynote Speaker at http://www.fs.utm.my/icowobasrafss/index.php/plenary-n-invited-speaker
at 4thInternational
Conference and Workshop on Basic and Applied Sciences (4thICOWOBAS) and Regional Annual Fundamental Science
Symposium September 4~6, 2013 (RAFSS 2013)
- Professor Hamido
Fujita is a pointed as visiting
Professor at the Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies (IIS)
faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, Johor Bahar, Johor,
Malaysia, 1st September to 11
September. 2013.
- Professor Hamido
Fujita is appointed on July 2013 as board member of the International Advisory Committee
(Board) of Doctoral School of
Applied Informatics and Mathematics of
Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary.
- Professor Dr.
Hamido Fujita received “Honorary
Doctor Title” Doctor Honoris Causa
(名誉学位) from Óbuda University, Budapest Hungry
on July 1st, 2013, on his research achievement.
The Ceremony is posted at http://news.uni-obuda.hu/articles/2013/07/03/tiszteletbeli-doktoravatas-az-obudai-egyetemen
The list
of Doctor Honoris Causa given by Óbuda University; http://www.uni-obuda.hu/egyetem/tiszteletbeli-doktorok (Prof. Fujita is on 2013)
Final Program http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/icsse2013/ICSSE2013_finalprogram.pdf
- Professor Dr.
Hamido Fujita Plenary Speaker; ICCC 2-13: IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics
http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/iccc2013/, Tihany , Hungary July 8~10, 2013 Proceedings: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6598373
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita is Honorary Chair : The 4th IEEE International Conference
on Cognitive Infocommunications http://www.coginfocom.hu/conference/CogInfoCom13/committees.html
- The Journal
Citation Reports 2013, published by Thomson Reuters is released on June
20, The Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, at which Prof. Hamido Fujita
is Editor-in-Chief has impact factor of
4.104 for 2012, make the journal top one in SCI indexed
- Professor Hamido
Fujita is invited Professor for lecturing and joint research discussion on
February 13 till February 23,2013, Khalifa
University of Science, Technology & Research (KUSTAR) www.kustar.ac.ae
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita is Invited Professor by National Taiwan University http://www.ntu.edu.tw/engv4/ , Department
of Computer Science and Information Engineering from March 1 to March 31,
On this period he also gave
special lectures at
-Department of Computer Science
and Engineering, National Taiwan
Ocean University, http://www.ntou.edu.tw/,
-Department of Computer Science
and Information Engineering of National Chi
Nan University, www.ncnu.edu.tw,
Hua University, Department of Computer Science and Information
Engineering www.chu.edu.tw
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita received honorary appointment as Adjunct Professor from Faculty of
Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology-Sydney Australia http://www.uts.edu.au/ from 1st January, 2013 to 30
December 2015
- Multiconferences
held in Aiina.
Morioka, Japan. These are multi international conferences supported by the
WSEAS (World Scientific and
Engineering Academy and Society) April 23~25, 2013
Below conferences are to be held:
·12th International
International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACS '13)
International Conference on EDUCATION
International Conference on COMPLEX SYSTEMS and CHAOS (COSC '13)
The following conferences
are also co-organized by WSEAS and NAUN in the same place, April 23-25, 2013:
International Conference on Computing, Information Systems
and Communications (CISCO '13)
International Conference on Systems, Control, Power,
Robotics (SCOPORO '13)
International Conference on Digital Services, Internet and
Applications (DSIA '13)
International Conference on Automatic Control, Soft
Computing and Human-Machine Interaction (ASME '13)
International Conference on Networks and Systems for
Communications, Education and Data Processing (NSCED '13)
International Conference on Integrated Systems and
Management for Energy, Development, Environment and Health(ISMAEDEH '13)
International Conference on Applied, Numerical and
Computational Mathematics (ICANCM '11)
2012 (NEWS)
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6330717 Plenary Speaker news: http://news.uni-obuda.hu/articles/2012/09/24/jubileumi-sisy-2012-szabadkan
· On
October 8 to October 11 we have a visiting professor from Stockholm University,
of Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University: Prof. Love
Ekenberg. He is
presenting a seminar on Human Centric Requirements on
Decision Support Systems in our Lab on October 9th
- On
November 13, 2012 we have a
visiting Researcher Dr. Rikio Maruta, IEEE Fellow from Sangikyo
Co. http://www.sangikyo.com
The Journal of Knowledge Based Systems that Prof. Hamido
Fujita (Editor in Chief) has a good Impact Fctor achievement reach
- 25th
International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Other
Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE-2012) on June 9-12,
2012 to be held in Dalian, China http://ssdut.dlut.edu.cn/iea-aie/
Special Session 1: Aspects on
Cognitive Computing and Intelligent Interaction Look at (Session 12)
Special Session 4: Decision
Making Techniques and Innovative Knowledge Management Look at (Session 17)
The below papers presented in the
above session:
- The 10th SOMET_11,
held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, index photos Sept. 28~30, 2011
Program/General Chair The SOMET_11 Book
is SCOPUS indexed.
- Seminar
invitation at University Amsterdam, http://www.cs.vu.nl/ with Prof. Jan Truer (Agent Research
Group), September 15th, 2011 http://www.cs.vu.nl/en/research/artificial-intelligence/ASR_Group/index.asp
- Seminar
invitation at Delft University of Technology, Delft, http://www.cs.vu.nl/ with Prof. Catholijn
Jonker (Man-Machine Interaction Group),
September 16th, 2011 http://mmi.tudelft.nl/vret/index.php/Virtual_Reality_and_Phobias
- Prof. Hamido
Fujita was a Keynote Speaker
at http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/sisy2011/final.htm 2011: 9th IEEE International Symposium on
Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY) September
8-10, 2011 Subotica, Serbia. The talk was at the City
Hall of Subotica or http://news.uni-obuda.hu/articles/2011/09/13/sisy-2011-szabadkan
). , Budapest, Hungary. The coronation ceremony held at Palace
des Arts of Budapest city, Hungary. He
has coroneted with other four professors.
- Keynote
Speaker at http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/sisy2011/final.htm 2011: 9th IEEE International Symposium
on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY) September 8-10, 2011
Subotica, Serbia. http://news.uni-obuda.hu/articles/2011/09/19/szakmai-nap-az-obudai-egyetemen
- This
is the list of Received Honorary professorship: http://www.uni-obuda.hu/buszkesegeink/honorary-professor (Prof. Fujita is on 2011 list)
- Keynote Speaker at Eighth International Symposium on Management
Engineering 2011: ISME2011 August 22-25, 2011 Taipei,
Also, Check the link: http://mcdm.ntcu.edu.tw/tzenge/
- He
is elected as Vice-President of International
Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI)
- Honorary
Member of International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI) honored on
July 1st, 2011, in Syracuse, USA.
- Session
Track Chair: The Twenty Fourth International Conference on Industrial,
Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems June
28 - July 1, 2011 Syracuse, New York, USA
Kohei Sugawara (Ph.D student) http://www.springerlink.com/content/88rj21427tq5un59/?MUD=MP